Here, in my last semester of my undergraduate education, I find myself at a point of no return. I am about to enter the “real” world and part ways with my college friends, habits and surroundings. Some people in my situation may be scared, or intimidated, but honestly I am just curious. Curious about what awaits me out there. Curious about where I will end up. I have mentally explored many possibilities and toyed around with several scenarios and I realized that I don’t really care what city I end up in, or what building I’m in, as long as I am doing what I love most. Advertising.
Advertising isn't only my major, it's my passion. I love the challenge of cutting through the modern day clutter and emerging out in the open with a dynamic and appealing message. There are so many elements that are inherently unique to advertising that make it such an art. It combines creativity, with research, writing, branding, selling, media-planning, execution and risk-taking; and when combined the right way, it can do wonders.
Advertising isn't only a big part of my life, it's also in my blood. My grandfather graduated with an advertising degree from the University of Missouri in 1950, he later opened his own advertising company where he ran all the operations and my grandmother created all the mock ups and prints by hand. Seeing the work they have done only serves as a reminder of why I love this field. To see the progression from smudge sticks on canvas, to the interactive, advanced forms of advertising we use today is a testimony to time and the innovation of a wonderfully dynamic and always changing industry.
Time and time again when people ask me why I chose to major in advertising instead of something more practical and safe, I express to them there is nothing practical or safe about advertising and that’s why I love it so much.
Hope you enjoy my blog.
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